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#32-0713 Cherie DeVille - plaster long leg cast
showcasing the sexuality of the leg cast from yesteryear
#32-0884 Cherie DeVille - plaster long leg cast
#32-0845 Cherie DeVille - plaster long leg cast
"why the cast?" is probably the question most often asked by potential models and others. Our philosophy at GimpyGirlz is that a cast is not just a medical item. We prefer to think of a cast like an item of clothing or footwear, or more accurately a fashion accessory.

The casts of yesteryear were truly pieces of artwork. At the least, a unique work of sculpture which if well executed would accentuate and compliment the shape of the female leg. Furthermore, the smooth texture of the plaster would often double as an artists canvas and soon become a rainbow of colour, or at least a pre digital era blog of friends witticisms!

#21-605 Kelly - plaster long leg cast
#21-810 Kelly long leg plaster cast
#21-610 Kelly - plaster long leg cast
Alas, nowadays traditional plaster casts have been replaced in most of the world by hideous boot monstrosities. GimpyGirlz is dedicated to preserving the artistry of the traditional leg cast by recreating these plaster works of art and combining them with the fashions of the period with models willing to be a little more risque.

Lacey - plaster long leg cast
Chelsea - Picasso plaster cast
#28-494 Chelsea - Picasso plaster short leg walking cast
I would like to say a special thank you to Dian Hanson formerly of Leg Show Magazine for all her invaluable assistance in promoting GimpyGirlz during the early years. Dian, we simply could not have done it without you!